Emotional wellbeing is a clear indicator of academic achievement, success and satisfaction in later life. Evidence shows that mental health and wellbeing programmes in schools, can lead to significant improvements in children’s mental health, and social and emotional skills. Wellbeing provision in schools can also lead to reductions in classroom misbehaviour and bullying. (youngminds.org.uk/media/1428/wise-up-prioritising-wellbeing-in-schools)
Here at Wellesbourne our priority is to ensure that children leave with the best possible outcomes, having good emotional, physical and mental health helps to secure this. We drive lots of initiatives that support our pupils throughout their every day lives. Take a look at what we have on offer to ensure that our children stay as healthy as can be.
Wellbeing Walks
As part of our mentoring process we offer some children a place on our Wellbeing Walks. Here, identified children can get away from it all and relax in a totally stress-free environment. These walks have been very successful in helping children to achieve personal and social goals.
Our Year 4-6 Wellbeing Walk takes place on a Tuesday with Mrs Ryan and Miss Moore, whilst the Year 1-3 Walk is on a Wednesday with Miss Howard and Mrs Willshire.
ASC Award Year 5
Every year our Y5 children take part in the Wellesbourne Challenge Award. The award is tailor made to for our school, children have to complete 6 weeks of skills type activity, 6 weeks of service activity: giving something to the community in which they live e.g. giving up break times to help younger children or doing up the school garden and also an adventure type activity. They also have to learn new skills such as cookery and First Aid. A long adventure type walk concludes the activity. Our children really enjoy giving back to the community, the award helps us to think about others and focus upon ourselves and what type of person we want to be. For more information on the award please see Mrs Ryan.
For the second year, children in Year 5 are taking part in the Wellesbourne Challenge Award.
Our Year 6 staff have commented on how well-bonded the year group are as a cohort and how well motivated and considerate they are. The Award, which they participated in in Year 5, has helped build confidence, social awareness and resilience. It has helped individuals to build strategies which encourage success and to be thoughtful and caring to others.
Lunch Time Park Club
From time to time the school yard just isn’t the right place for everybody; three times per we have a park club that go out on the mini-bus with Mrs Willshire and Mrs Ellis. Children who are part of this club eat their lunch at the park and take part in some gentle running, take in the fresh air, the lovely sights and sounds of the park and return to school ready to face the challenges of the afternoon.
Play Leaders
Our Play Leaders are Year 6 children who volunteer to support other children on the playground. A friend on the playground goes a long way to making you feel happier about school. Play Leaders share happiness and play games.