Welcome to Wellesbourne Nursery.
We strive to make each day an exciting place to learn and achieve through the indoor and outdoor provision areas which reflect the seven areas of the EYFS Curriculum:
- Communication and language
- Personal social and emotional
- Physical development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive Arts and design
Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is planned and taught using the Early Years Statutory Framework and Development Matters document to ensure a broad, creative and balanced curriculum across all areas of learning and development.
One of the main aspects of your child’s time at nursery will be a focus on their personal, social and emotional development. They will be encouraged to develop positive relationships, to play with a variety of children and to understand the feelings of others. There will be opportunities to build confidence and self-awareness, and also to manage their feelings and behaviour.
Our children have regular access to outside learning opportunities. The use of the outdoor environment compliments and extends the learning which takes place indoors. The outside environment can offer unique opportunities for learning and the children have more space to move freely which is crucial for their physical, social and emotional development.
Further information about the EYFS and how your child learns in those vitally important first years, can be found in the following documents:
This will also give you ideas for how to support your child’s development at home.
Meet the Teachers
Meet our Nursery Team;
Our Nursery teacher this year is Miss Abe, Mrs. Wallace is our Nursery Assistant along with Mrs Yates- Apprentice.
Our Nursery Team, will be happy to talk to you about your child’s need and interests.
Happy, Healthy and Active
We strive for all of our children to lead happy and healthy lives, and we recognise that this needs to be supported right from their experiences of learning. We plan for plentiful opportunities for the children to learn, talk and experience the importance of healthy choices across the year, as well as on a daily basis. We share lots of information with our Parents on how they can help too. Here is some useful information on how you can support a happy and healthy routine at home.
Ideas to eat well and move more
Starting Nursery
Please have a look at our photo booklet, and video tour to have an idea of what our classrooms look like.
Here are some ideas and resources that will help you to support your child when starting Nursery.
Top Tips for Dummies and Speech
Puddle’s Big Step- Starting Nursery Story
Our Twitter
– To see our EYFS posts on Twitter please click the link below
EYFS blog
Useful Information
For further information, please contact the school
Summer Term Curriculum Nursery