Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 page; we have two classes, 6KJ and 6MC. Here you will be able to read about the exciting things that we do throughout the year and use the links below to see the curriculum that we follow.

Meet the Teachers

Our Year 6 team consists of Miss Jones (Teacher) and Mr. Canning (Teacher), Mrs. Craney (Teaching Assistant) and Mrs. Mitka (Teaching Assistant). Any of our Year 6 team will be happy to talk to you about your child’s needs and interests.


Year 6 have PE with Coach Brian. 6KJ have PE on a Wednesday afternoon and 6MC have PE on a Thursday afternoon. Children should wear their PE kit on the day they have PE. PE is a compulsory subject and children are expected to have the correct kit. Please ensure that your child’s name is on ALL items of clothing.

Homework and Spellings

Homework is handed out every Friday and is due back the following Wednesday. Homework is based around the work the children have done in class that week to help consolidate the learning.

Spellings are handed out on a Friday and are then tested on the following Friday.


Year 6 Curriculum (document opens in new window)


At the end of Year 6, usually the first or second week in May, our Y6 children sit SAT tests. These tests are in Mathematics, Reading and Grammar. Writing is assessed using teacher judgement. You will receive more information from the school before your child starts to prepare for their SATs. 

SATs Practise

Here are some useful links for you and your child to revise for their up and coming SAT’s test.

Year 6 SAT materials are available to download to enable you to see an example of the tests your child will be undertaking at the end of this academic year.


sample ks2 English gps paper 1 questions (opens in a new window)

sample ks2 English gps paper2 spelling (opens in a new window)

2016 ks2 mathematics paper 1 arithmetic (opens in a new window)

Key Stage 2 SATs 2019

Key Stage 2 SATs more information

KS2 SATs – what parents need to know


Key information for SATs and phonics