Welcome to our Reception classes, RSR and RGG

In Reception we learn, explore and grow together to develop our children into independent learners who are willing to have a go. We strive to make each day an exciting place to learn and achieve through the indoor and outdoor provision areas which reflect the seven areas of the EYFS Curriculum:

  • Communication and language
  • Personal social and emotional
  • Physical development
  • Literacy including daily Phonics, Reading and Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive Arts and design

Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is planned and taught using the Early Years Statutory Framework and Development Matters document to ensure a broad, creative and balanced curriculum across all areas of learning and development. The children’s learning is mainly based around one main context each half term. However, young children learn best when they are happy, engaged and feel safe and confident in their environment so we listen to our children and let their interests and questions lead the learning. We plan exciting and challenging learning opportunities that enable our children to take their next steps in their learning. We want children to become creative, inquisitive learners and to have a positive start on their journey through our school.


Further information about the EYFS and how your child learns in those vitally important first years, can be found in the following documents:

This will also give ideas for how to support your child’s development at home.

Meet the Teachers

Meet our Reception Team;

Miss Rose- Teacher for RSR & EYFS Lead Teacher, Mrs. Gilliland -Teacher for RGG, Mrs. Brown -EYFS Support Teacher, part time, Mrs. Power (maternity cover from Summer 2022). 

Mrs. Mannion- Higher Level Teaching Assistant for RSR, Ms Peoples- Teaching Assistant for RGG part time, Miss Wise- EYFS support Teaching Assistant and part time in RGG, and Miss Shaw- EYFS Apprentice.

Any of our reception team will be happy to talk to you about your child’s need and interests.

Reception love to Read

If you read just one book a day to your child, they will have read 1825 books by their 5th Birthday.

Every day counts, every book counts.

100 Books to read before you are 5


Please see our Reading Page for lots more information on how to help your child become a confident reader.



The foundations of early reading are laid in Nursery where the focus is initially on developing careful and accurate listening and having fun with sounds, words and sentences.

This is the start of the Essential Letters and Sounds programme which we use to systematically teach reading and phonics in our Early Years classes and throughout KS1. Please see our Phonics Page for lots more information on how Phonics is taught, and how to support your child.

Phonics is a way of teaching children to read quickly and skilfully. They are taught how to:

  • recognise the sounds (phonemes) that each individual letter makes;
  • identify the sounds (phonemes) that different combinations of letters make – such as ‘sh’ or ‘oo’; and
  • blend these sounds together from left to right to make a word. Children can then use this knowledge to ‘de-code’ new words that they hear or see. This is the first important step in learning to read.



We support our children to be inquisitive learners, and learn practically through hands on experiences that provide them with exciting opportunities to use a range of skills that they have been taught, to become mathematicians. We want our children to use maths in real life situations and become problem solvers. We immerse the children in Maths throughout their play, throughout our provision.

Ways that you can help at home;

  • Count with your child – steps up the stairs, place settings at the table
  • Play games with a dice and encourage your child to say how many spots without counting
  • Look for different representations of numbers in the environment – door numbers, car registrations, buses
  • Watch Numberblocks on Cbeebies
  • Read books with Maths concepts e.g. The Very Hungry Caterpillar, What’s the Time Mr Wolf?


Happy, Healthy and Active

We strive for all of our children to lead happy and healthy lives, and we recognise that this needs to be supported right from their experiences of learning. We plan for plentiful opportunities for the children to learn, talk and experience the importance of healthy choices across the year, as well as on a daily basis. We share lots of information with our Parents on how they can help too. Here is some useful information on how you can support a happy and healthy routine at home.

Ideas to eat well and move more

10 minute shake up games

Healthy lunchbox ideas

Brush your teeth song

Hand washing song

Short activity exploring feelings and emotions

Helpful Hints

-Our P.E day is Tuesday with our Sports Coaches. Due to the current situation please wear your P.E kit to school on this day.

-Homework is given out on Friday. We ask that this is completed and returned by the following Tuesday.

-It is important that your child brings their book bag into school every day to make sure that any letters and creative work can be taken home. Reading books must be brought to school every day.

-Please ensure all of your child’s uniform and PE kit has their name inside. If anything goes missing it can be very difficult to tell who the clothing belongs to if it does not have a name inside.

-We love learning outside as well, even when it is raining! Please bring to school a pair of wellies that are labelled with your child’s name and you are happy to leave them in school.


Starting Reception

Please have a look at our photo booklet, and video tour to have an idea of what our classrooms look like. 

Children, just like adults, experience feelings as they anticipate or react to transitions. Supporting your child during their transition in to their reception class can have positive effects on their emotional well-being and academic success. We have lots of plans in place that will support a smooth transition into our setting and beyond.

Here we also provide you with some resources that will help you to encourage and work with your child to support our smooth transition.

Starting School Toolkit

Starting School Together

Listening Skills

Explaining how they feel

Ideas for Early Mark Making

Preparing for learning maths

Jake’s First Day ebook




Our Twitter

– To see our EYFS posts on Twitter please click the link below
EYFS blog

Useful Information

For further information, please contact the school.