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Co opted  Governors

Parent Governors

Local Authority 

Staff Governor

Other Governors

J Olanipekun
Kriss Jones
Paula O’Donnell
Phil Pearson
Kate Howard
Paula O’Donnell
Melissa Connolly
Carl Gilbertson (Chair)
Helen Owens (Clerk)
Karen Toole
Maxine Yates
Pearl Gormeley


LEA Governors

Local Education Authority Governors are nominated by the LEA. You can apply to the Education Authority if you wish to be an LEA Governor of any Liverpool School. 17% of Wellesbourne Governing Body are LEA Governors although we currently have a vacancy for an LEA Governor.

Community Governors

Community Governors are invited to be members by the governing body.  Consideration is paid to the experience and expertise they can bring. 22% of Wellesbourne Governing Body are Community Governors.

Staff Governors

Staff Governors are elected by members of the school staff. 17% of Wellesbourne Governing Body are staff.

Parent Governors

Parent Governors are elected by parents. 33% of Wellesbourne Governing Body are parents.

Associate Governors

Associate Governors can be co-opted at any time. This is usually for their expertise.