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The Governing Body has established a number of committees to which it delegates day to day responsibility for the oversight of various aspects of running the school:
Staffing Committee
- Establish, approve, monitor and review within agreed policy review process, policies relating to:
- Performance Management and development of staff:
- Personnel including those relating to appointment of staff, health and safety, discipline, grievance
- Pay Policy for all categories of staff and to be responsible for its administration
- Allegations of abuse against staff
- Staff appraisal
- Determine the staffing structure, in consultation with the Headteacher, in relation to the School Improvement Plan and curriculum requirements and, in the light of resources available. Present to governing body for approval;
- Monitor and evaluate the staff development programme in relation to curriculum and professional development needs as identified through performance management procedures and within the context of the School Improvement Plan;
- Oversee the appointment procedure for all staff, having regard to the requirements within Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education;
- Keep under review staff work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence;
- Make recommendations on personnel related expenditure to the Finance Committee;
- Monitor and keep under review specific areas of School Development Plan for which the committee has responsibility;
- Agree and monitor training strategy for teachers, support staff and governors;
- Consider and report back upon matters as may be delegated or devolved to the committee by the Governing Body* (see below);
- Ensure annual pay review is completed.
Finance Committee
- setting financial priorities through the:
- -School Development Plan (SDP);
- -3 year financial plan;
- -The annual budget
- deciding on how the school’s delegated budget should be spent, in accordance with their SDP and the statutory curriculum requirements laid down by government;
- ensuring the budget is managed effectively;
- ensuring the school meets all its statutory obligations, and through the head teacher complies with its LA’s financial regulations or standing orders;
- determining virement and expenditure thresholds;
- evaluating the effectiveness of spending decisions.