Another brilliant week, we have been so busy this week with family events, class assemblies and fun diversity lessons. Many thanks to all of the familes who turned up to watch our Year 4RB family assembly this week I’m sure you will agree that the children did really well with their acting and singing.
On Thursday after school, we held an amazing family event in our school hall. We celebrated the cultural diversity that we have in our school, a fun time was had by all. Again, thank you to all of the families who spent so much time preparing the delicious food that was on offer and thank you to all of the families who joined us in our celebrations. Please take a look at some of the photographs from the event.
On Friday we celebrated number day, this was to help raise money for NSPCC and also raise the profile of mathematics in our school. The children and staff looked amazing, everyone took so much time and effort to get dressed up – we really appreciate your commitment.
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