Autumn Term Spelling Bee 2016

A huge well done to all of the children who took part in our Spelling Bee competition today, you were fantastic. Our audience were also equally as brilliant at answering … Continued

Year 3RB Family Assembly

Well done Y3RB your Family Assembly was fantastic! Thank you to all of the families who attended, as always we love having you in school as part of our learning.

Autumn Term Disco Photographs

Here are some photographs from our Autumn Term disco, as you can see the children had a lovely evening!  

Year 1EB Family Assembly

What a fantastic performance by our Year 1EB class today. We were treated to a lovely rendition of the story The Rainbow Fish, the children’s voices were loud and clear, … Continued

Praise Assemblies 10th October 2016

Well done to our many children this week who received certificates in our prize giving assembly today. So many of you have shown that you adhere to our school values … Continued

Praise Assemblies

Well done to all of our children in KS1 and KS2 today who received awards for showing our 5 school values in school this week and for displaying excellent behaviour … Continued

Reading Family Event

Many thanks to all of the families who attended our Reading Family Event this Thursday. We had a brilliant time with lots of reading activities, lovely food and some very … Continued

Drumming Sessions Nursery & Reception

Our Nursery and Reception classes enjoyed some brilliant musical sessions on Monday, they were great at listening and responding.

Jeff Dunn – British Values assembly

Many thanks to Jeff Dunn who visited our school today to deliver an assembly on British values and school council. Our children really enjoyed looking at the different roles of … Continued