Day 5 ICT Week

What a great celebration assembly this afternoon, the whole school gathered together to watch clips of ICT that each class had made. some fantastic Stop, Motion Animation videos, Podcasts, ebooks … Continued

ICT Week Day 3

Another great day filled with ICT and SMSC linked activities. Mr Head visited Year 4 where the children designed a Red Telephone box using Sketch Up. They are now ready … Continued

ICT Week Day 2

Many thanks to Mr Head who came in from MGL to teach year 5 how to make their very own website using a special code. Also we had a visit … Continued

ICT & British Values Assembly 26th September 2016

Years 2-6 enjoyed a brilliant assembly delivered by our chair of governors Carl Gilbertson today. Mr Gilbertson explained how important British inventions in technology have been and how they have impacted … Continued

Jeans for Genes Day 2016

Many thanks for all of the contributions to support for Jeans for Genes today, remember if you forgot to bring in your contribution you can still bring it in Monday.

Praise Assembly 23.09.16

Well done to all of our certificate winners this week. Lovely to see so many children receive awards for displaying our school values.

Praise Assembly 16.09.16

Well done to all of our certificate winners this week. Lovely to see so many children receive certificates for being kind and cooperative at lunch times.        

Roald Dahl Celebration Day

Lots of children and staff were dressed up as characters from Roald Dahl today, everyone had a great day – well done!

Return to school information

School re-opens for children on Wednesday 7th September at the usual times. Our teachers will be in on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th for INSET days based around Safeguarding and … Continued

Prize giving 2016

Well done to all of the children who received certificates today in our prize giving assembly, what a way to finish the year. See some of the photographs below.