Praise assemblies 10th February 2017
10th February 2017
Well done to all of our certificate winners today so nice to see so many of our children being recognised for their efforts in learning…More

10th February 2017 Newsletter
10th February 2017
Please click here to download a copy of today’s newsletter

3rd February 2017 Newsletter
9th February 2017
Please February 3rd to see a copy of our most recent newsletter

Diversity Family Event
9th February 2017
On Tuesday 7th February the school held a Family Event around the theme of Diversity & Culture, it was a fantastic turn out so many…More

NSPCC Number Day 2017
3rd February 2017
Today we celebrated NSPCC Number Day by dressing up with the theme of numbers! Everybody looked amazing, a great effort was made by all, Mrs…More

Nick Sharratt
3rd February 2017
On Thursday 2nd February our Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 classes were treated to a visit from leading children’s author…More

Children’s University Visit
2nd February 2017
This week some of our lucky pupils got to visit Liverpool University as part of the Fluffy Professor programme that has been delivered in our…More

Praise Assembly
27th January 2017
Today we had a great praise assembly, lovely to see so many recipients of Super Star Behaviour certificates, in both KS1 and KS2. Well done…More

Archery Y4, Y5 & Y6
26th January 2017
On Tuesday 24th January our Year 4, 5 and 6 classes were treated to a day of archery in the school hall. They learned lots…More

Y4 OK Family Assembly
20th January 2017
We were treated to a fantastic assembly by Y4 OK on Wednesday, the theme was new years resolutions and how we make and break them.…More