Free School Meals
7th January 2021
The school will be providing food parcels for those entitled to Free School Meals. Please ring the school office on 0151 226 9765 to arrange…More

Reception Winter Reading Event
9th December 2020
Our Reception children enjoyed a wonderful surprise this week when our library was transformed into a winter wonderland. The children took part in some enriching…More

Lockdown Changes
6th November 2020
Please see the attached letter that went home with our children yesterday about the changes to school during the 4 week lockdown

Be Bright, Be Seen
2nd November 2020

9th October 2020
Our newsletters are back, please click the link below to take you our latest newsletter. Please remember that they are all archived on our Newsletter…More

A letter and video from Steve Reddy
9th October 2020
Below is a letter from Steve Reddy and a link to a video from him. https://twitter.com/sreddy100/status/1313855717078642689

Covid 19 Response
17th September 2020
Below is just a helpful guide on what procedure you can follow if you think someone, or a child, has suspected symptoms.

Jeans for Genes day
17th September 2020

Face Coverings
14th September 2020
Please see the letter below about wearing face coverings whilst on the yard.