FREE Parent Bully busters Zoom sessions
8th July 2020
Bully busters are an organisation that come into to school to help with topics around bullying and conflict. They are offering free zoom call sessions…More

FSM Vouchers over the summer
8th July 2020
Hello Everybody, I hope you and your family are safe and well. The electronic vouchers for free school meals for the holiday period…More

School Reports
2nd July 2020
End of year reports will be sent out on 10th July. It has been decided that reports will look slightly different this year to reflect…More

Letter from Ms Mallon
18th June 2020
Below is a letter from Ms Mallon with regards to school being opened to year 6 from Monday 22nd. When we know more we will…More

Letter to Y6 parents
8th June 2020
Below is a letter from Ms Mallon. We have been given advice from LCC today to not open to year 6 next week. Any more…More

Welcome Back
8th June 2020
Good Morning all. Here is a welcome back to our wonderful pupils from Ms. Mallon. We are so excited to be back in our own…More

Welcome Back Letter
5th June 2020
Below is a letter from Ms Mallon about our return to school on Monday. Please read carefully and if you have not already let us…More

Return to school survey
4th June 2020
Please can you complete the following survey to enable to to best prepare for your child and their return to school. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7FJYWLF Many thanks…More

4th June 2020
Wellesbourne Hub will be opening on Monday 8th June 2020 for the children of key worker parents. The hub will be open from 8:50 –…More

Parent letter about school reopening
3rd June 2020
Good afternoon everyone, attached are a letter from Ms. Mallon regarding the opening of schools as hubs. This message will be sent out via the…More