Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 page; we have two classes – 2MB and 2EB. Here you will be able to look at the exciting things we do throughout the year and use the links below to see the curriculum that we follow. Miss Barton is the Phase Leader for Year 1 and 2.

Meet the Teachers

Our Year 2 team consists of Miss Barton (2MB Teacher), Miss Byrne (2EB Teacher), Miss Roberts (Teaching Assistant) and Mrs Dempsey (Teaching Assistant).  Any of our Year 2 team will be happy to talk to you about your child’s needs and interests.

Our Learning

Year 2 Curriculum Map (link opens in new tab)

Year 2 Spring 1 Curriculum (link opens in new tab)

Year 2 Spring 2 Curriculum (link opens in new tab)


Year 2 have PE with our coach Brian. PE is a compulsory subject and children are expected to come to school in the correct kit. Year 2 PE day is a Tuesday morning; please ensure that your child’s name is on ALL items of clothing. 

Homework and Spellings

In Year 2 our homework is set on Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday. We greatly enjoy seeing the children’s responses and commenting on them. Each week we also ask the children to access Lexia and Numbots three times a week. Lexia helps us with our reading skills and Numbots helps us with our Maths.

Spellings are sent home on a Friday and tested the following Friday.

By the end of Year 2, children should be confident in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. All children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars. This is an app which can be downloaded onto most smart devices and this supports the children in consolidating their knowledge of these times tables.


Reading is a fundamental aspect of children’s learning. Please make sure that your child brings their book bag to school every day along with their home reading books and reading record. Please read with your child at least three times per week and remember to comment and sign their reading record. This will allow staff to see how much your child is reading and enables school and home to work together in promoting your child’s reading journey. (For more information on reading and phonics please click here)