Wellesbourne Hub will be opening on Monday 8th June 2020 for the children of key worker parents.

The hub will be open from 8:50 – 3:15, the usual school day. 

Parents of the children attending have been contacted via telephone and given guidance on how the hub will work. 

We will be keeping to simple procedures to ensure that the children are made to feel as comfortable as possible whilst engaging in their activities. 

Please follow our school yard poster rules when on the premises, only 1 person in the office space at one time. For yours and others safety, when dropping of your child, please adhere to the 2 meter distancing rule. 

We look forward to welcoming you back to school and making it as stress free as possible. 

For any more information on the hub school please email wellesbourneclosure@gmail.com, please do not just turn up with your child as provisions have to be made prior to attending. 

Thank you.

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