The whole school had a brilliant day learning about all different styles of music from around the world. Nursery looked at how we can move our bodies to music, reception looked at how are bodies can be an instrument. Year 1 looked at folk songs from England and Africa. Year 2 kept us in Africa looking at African drumming circles and call and response. Year 3 looked at music used in churches and as part of services, they also learnt about being a chorister in a choir and even got to try on some of the special cassocks and surpluses that they would wear during a service. Year 4 looked at STOMP which is music made out of every day objects and using the world around you as your instrument and stage. Year 5 took us to Brazil for the world famous Le Carnival and its well known samba drums. Finally year 6 treated us to some Chinese music looking at the special instruments used and why Chinese music is so recognizable. At the end of the day the whole school came together to perform for each other what they had learnt. 

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