BBQ themed lunch menu
5th September 2019
The canteen are having a bbq themed lunch on the 26th September, the menu is below if you would like your child to have a…More

Award Assembly 2019
30th July 2019
Congratulations to all of the children who won an award in this years Awards Assembly. We are so proud of what all of our children…More

iSing Day 1st July
1st July 2019
Year 4 had the pleasure of going to the amazing Philharmonic hall today to take part in a big Liverpool iSing day. The day was…More

World Music Day 21st June
1st July 2019
The whole school had a brilliant day learning about all different styles of music from around the world. Nursery looked at how we can move…More

Reception Reading Stay, Play and Learn
24th June 2019
On Thursday 20th June our Reception children were delighted to have their parents/ families come into school and take part in a reading session. The…More

Praise Assembly KS2 14th June 2019
14th June 2019
Today lots of children managed were rewarded with certificates for their brilliant work and exemplary behaviour. Well done to all of those children who received…More

Easter Bonnet Parade
5th April 2019
Today is our last day in school before Easter. As always our children made some brilliant Easter bonnets and dioramas. Check out the photos below…More

Year 1 Family Assembly
5th April 2019
Year one treated the school and their families to a very informative assembly all about Christopher Columbus. The were absolutely brilliant, remembered all their lines…More

Praise Assemblies 1st March 2019
1st March 2019
Well done to all of the children who received certificates today, we are really proud of you. Also a mention to our brilliant Y4 who…More