Pupil Council Meeting
21st November 2018
Today our pupil council met to discuss some ideas on how to improve our school. If you have any ideas or suggestions please see a…More

Year 1 Family Assembly
21st November 2018
Last week our Year 1 children wowed us with their amazing family. The singing, acting and fact sharing was excellent. Lots of hard work had…More

20th November 2018
Unfortunately, due to problems with the roof, school will be CLOSED today. We are working quickly to resolve the problem but for now, to ensure…More

Children in Need 2018
16th November 2018
Thank you for all of your kind donations, the children had a great time watching the talent show this afternoon. Well done to all of…More

Internet Safety for parents and Carers
16th November 2018
There is an internet safety refresher course taking place at Norris Green Library. This would be useful for any of you who may have worries…More

Year 4 family assembly
14th November 2018
Year 4 treated us today to a wonderful and very educational assembly telling us all about the Romans and what they had given to us.…More

Stay, Play & Learn
9th November 2018
We had some very welcome visitors in our school today, our families! It was lovely to see so many of you turn up to see…More

World Mental Health Day 2018
15th October 2018
On Wednesday we celebrated World Mental Health Day. We had lots of activities during the school day, Bullybusters came in and told us how to…More

Year 6 family assembly
12th October 2018
1 2 ► As we know October is Black History Month. Our marvellous year 6 chose to do their family assembly on a black Liverpudlian…More

Praise assembly 5th October 2018
5th October 2018
Well done to all of our certificate winners this week. It was lovely to hear all of the reasons why the staff chose you, some…More