Year 5 Trip to the Natural History Museum
24th September 2018
Year 5 went on a trip to the Natural History Museum in Liverpool city centre on Thursday and Friday last week to learn all about…More

Year 6 Royden Park trip.
24th September 2018
Year 6 had a brilliant trip to Royden Park last week to learn some map reading skills. The pupils not only were learning map skills…More

Praise Assembly 21st September 2018
21st September 2018
Well done to our certificate winners this week, we had so many! It was lovely to hear all the reason why your teachers chose you…More

Welcome Back!
7th September 2018
A very warm welcome back to all of our children and families. The children have settled in very well to the new school year, they…More

Chartwells termly newsletter
4th September 2018
Please click on the link above to see what Chartwells have planned for our pupils school lunches. Week 1 and 3 Week 2

Year 6 Festival
20th July 2018
Year 6 had a fabulous time yesterday at their festival, the sun was shinning,the music was pumping and the slushies were flowing. 1 2 ……More

Final Awards Assembly
20th July 2018
Today we had our final awards ceremony of the year where we celebrated all the achievements of our pupils and said a big, final, fair…More

Choir and Dance Assembly
18th July 2018
Our wonderful school choir, Key stage 1 and key stage 2 dance clubs and the gymnastic club entertained us all this morning with a show…More

Year 2 Leavers Assembly
18th July 2018
Tuesday saw both of our year 2 classes performing together to tell us the tale of the great fire of London. We were transported back…More

School Disco
18th July 2018
Our end of year disco went off with a hit on monday after school. Pupils and teachers were seen showing their moves on the dance…More