Warm Weather
20th April 2018
As we are experiencing warmer weather can you please make sure that your child has sun protection applied before school and wears a cap/hat as…More

Easter Bonnet and Diorama Competition
23rd March 2018
Wow, what an amazing effort everybody has gone through to make the Easter Bonnets and Dioramas this year. The children looked brilliant, please take a…More

Bedtime Stories Reading Event – World Book Day 2018
2nd March 2018
A huge thank you to all of those families who attended our bedtime stories event last night, 1st March 2018. We thought this was a…More

1st March 2018
School will remain open through out the cold spell. We will inform you via Parent App or on the website if we are to close.…More

February Half Term
9th February 2018
Today we break up for February half term, have a lovely relaxing and safe break. We look forward to seeing you back at school nice…More

Online Safety Family Event
9th February 2018
Thank you to every body who attended our Online Safety Family Event. It was lovely to see our families in school enjoying ICT activities with…More

Taffy Thomas Story Teller Visit
26th January 2018
This week our Year 3 children and our Year 1 children were very lucky to have had a visit from a famous story teller Taffy…More

Year 3CL Family Assesmbly
26th January 2018
Well done to our Year 3CL who performed brilliantly in their Family Assembly this week. You taught us so much about forces, it was clear…More

Praise Assembly 26th January 2018
26th January 2018
Well done to all of those children who received a certificate today in our celebration assembly. It was really nice to hear about the fantastic…More

Christmas Performances 2017
21st December 2017
Our children performed brilliantly during their Christmas shows this week. Take a look at some of our photographs below to see them in action. Well…More