Praise Assembly Slides
23rd April 2021
Please click on the link below to see our superstar winners this week. Well done, have a lovely weekend. Praise Assembly 23 04 21…More

Newsletter 23.04.21
23rd April 2021

Newsletter 16.04.21
23rd April 2021

Parent Governor Letter 12.03.2021
14th March 2021

Letter from Ms Mallon
26th February 2021

Letter from Ms. Mallon
12th February 2021

Year of Writing
25th January 2021
Friday marked the launch of Liverpool’s Year of Writing 2021! Throughout the year, both online and when we return to school, we will be taking…More

Safeguarding procedure update
21st January 2021
During the current school closure we have updated our safeguarding procedure as all children are now expected to access online learning where possible. School has…More

Fraud Poster Covid Vaccine
14th January 2021
The government have recommended that all parents take notice of the information regarding fraud and the new Covid vaccine. Poster is attached below. COVID-19 Vaccine…More

Letter to all parents
11th January 2021
Letter to Parents SRMA 10.1.21 Please click on the above link to see the letter sent out to parents of children attending Liverpool Primary Schools…More