Wellesbourne’s Geography curriculum intends to develop pupils’ curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Children explore a variety of places – both in Britain and overseas – to assist in developing their knowledge, vocabulary and understanding of our Earth’s physical and human processes. We are committed to providing children with plenty of initial opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about their local area of Norris Green and Liverpool – so that they can develop of real sense of who they are, their heritage and what makes their local area unique and special.
Through high quality teaching, we intend to develop the following essential characteristics amongst our geographers:
- Inspire pupils’ curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives;
- Hold secure knowledge of where places are and what they are like/how they are used – both in Britain and the wider world;
- Have a widespread understanding of the ways in which places are interdependent and interconnected;
- Cultivate the ability to reach clear conclusions and explain their findings;
- Maintain confidence in fieldwork skills as well as other geographical aptitudes and techniques;
- Express well-balanced opinions, rooted in very good knowledge and understanding about current issues in society and the environment;
- Develop an extensive base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary.
Teachers use Oddizzi Programme to plan their Geography lessons. As part of this planning process, teachers need to plan the following:
A knowledge organiser which outlines knowledge (including vocabulary) all children must master and apply in lessons;
A cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth concentrating on the geographical skills suited to the age group;
A low stakes quiz which is tested regularly to support learners’ ability to block learning and increase space in the working memory;
Challenge questions for pupils to apply their learning in a philosophical/open manner;
Experiences that may enhance the learning experience;
Children in EYFS use a range of Geographical skills to learn about:
- Their immediate locality in terms of places around our school and grounds.
- Familiar features such as houses, farms and shops – and build on their everyday experiences.
- Encountering distant places through topics and stories.
- The weather regularly, becoming familiar with types of weather and this affects us.
- Different jobs which people do in our community.
Key Stage 1
During Key Stage 1, pupils investigate their local area and a contrasting area in the United Kingdom or abroad, finding out about the environment in both areas and the people who live there. They also begin to learn about the wider world. They carry out geographical enquiry inside and outside the classroom. In doing this, they ask geographical questions about people, places and environments, and use geographical skills and resources, such as maps and photographs.
Key Stage 2
During Key Stage 2, pupils investigate a variety of people, places and environments in the United Kingdom and abroad, and start to make links between different places in the world. They find out how people affect the environment and how they are affected by it. Pupils carry out geographical enquiry inside and outside the classroom. In doing this, they ask geographical questions, and use geographical skills and resources, such as maps, atlases, aerial photographs and ICT. Children will develop geographical enquiry skills, including asking geographical questions, collecting and recording information and identifying different views. They will acquire the appropriate practical skills associated with Geography, including using suitable vocabulary, fieldwork techniques and maps, plans and atlases. Pupils will use secondary sources of information with accuracy, including aerial photographs, satellite images, etc. As well as making its own distinctive contribution to the school curriculum, geography contributes to the wider aims of primary education. Teachers will ensure that links between subjects are maximized, including history, science and computing.
Outcomes in topic and literacy books, evidence a broad and balanced geography curriculum and demonstrate children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge relating to each of the identified national curriculum strands, as appropriate to key stage; locational knowledge, place knowledge and human and physical geography. Children are able to articulate their learning in geography verbally and complete a series of pre and post learning tasks to show their progress and attainment.
Click on the link below to take a look at our progression in skills in geography.
Progression of Skills in Geography (document opens in new window)
Geography Map (document opens in new window)