At Wellesbourne Primary School, the intent of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all, and that will maximise the outcomes for every child, so that they know more, remember more and understand more. PSHE is embedded in all that we do to enable our children to become independent, responsible, healthy and confident members of society. Our PSHE curriculum has been built with the aim to support the development of the ‘whole child’, by helping them to understand how they are developing personally and socially as well as promoting their social, mental and physical development. Children will be able to develop the ability to tackle the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Through our discreet lessons as well as wider cross curricular approach to teaching PSHE, children are taught how to keep themselves safe, physically and emotionally resulting in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, which enables children to access the wider curriculum. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.
At Wellesbourne Primary and Nursery School we plan for PSHE using guidance from the PSHE Association. We start start teaching our children about topics within PSHE in the Early Years, this is planned from the Development Matters guidance.
Each term we have an overarching subject that we use to cover all aspects of PSHE. Our planning helps to support our curriculum intent. We intend to empower our children by educating them about PSHE and giving them the information they need to make informed choices throughout each stage of their lives.
During the autumn term children will learn about ‘Relationships‘, during the spring term we learn through the topic of ‘Living in the Wider World‘ and during the summer term we learn through the topic of ‘Health and Well being‘.
We use resources as recommended by the PSHE Association. Brook Charity support us in providing SRE (Sex and Relationships Education) in Y5 and Y6 alongside resources from Yasmin and Tom (Overview Yasmin and Tom Lesson Coverage). Parents will always be informed of any sex education lessons that are taking place.
We implement our PSHE curriculum throughout everything we do here at Wellesbourne, we also teach PSHE at least once per week as an explicit lesson. Many of our assemblies are based around a PSHE theme. Outside agencies, through a carefully mapped planning system, are invited into school to support the implementation of our teaching programme.
At Wellesbourne, our spiraling PSHE curriculum and wider provision will ensure that children will be equipped to support their decision making in regards to their wellbeing, health and relationships. Our embedded whole school vision to nurture children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development supports them to foster good relationships between all in line with the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. Our spiraling curriculum allows children to build upon their understanding of British Values in an age appropriate way, in order for them to become positive citizens in a forever changing community and ultimately preparing them for life and work in modern Britain. By the end of each key stage, children will have had the opportunities to meet the end of key stage statements in line with the statutory guidance outlined in the Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.
To see our progression in skills for PSHE please click on the link below.
Progression of Skills in PSHE (document opens in new window)
PSHE Curriculum Map (document opens in new window)
RSHE Policy (document opens in new window)
Click here to return to the curriculum page.
At Wellesbourne we use a range of child friendly resources to make sure that our children receive Relationships, Sex and Health Education appropriate to their age group.
Please see some of the resources that will be used alongside our teaching.
Year 4 & 5 will be taught using some of the Medway Changing and Growing Up resources. Please see the details below.