At Wellesbourne Primary and Nursery School we teach English through Literacy Counts ‘Read to Write’ scheme.
Read to Write empowers teachers to provide high-quality teaching of writing through children’s high-quality literature (Vehicle Texts). The units of work centre on engaging, vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of writing opportunities. Several of these carefully selected Vehicle Texts have strong thematic links to the Science, History and Geography curriculum. They are implemented with great success because they include:
- Clear Sequential Episodes of Learning
- Example Texts (greater depth WAGOLL)
- Learning Objectives that link to the teaching sequence (Immerse, Analyse, Plan Write)
- Vocabulary Learning
- Contextualised Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation
- Writer’s Knowledge Linked to National Standards
- Sentence Accuracy Work Linked to National Standards
- Progressions Documents with Year Group Expectations
- Reflecting on Unit Outcomes: Planning for Next Steps
- Example Planning Format
- Wider Reading for the Wider Curriculum
- A Wealth of Resources Linked to the National Standards
- Explicit Links to the National Curriculum
To see the sequence of teaching throughout the scheme for Reception to Year 6 please Click Here
To see a more detailed version of outcomes for specific year group please click on the links below